"Katyusha" is a Russian wartime song composed in 1938 by Matvei Blanter with lyrics from Mikhail Isakovsky. It became popular during World War II as an inspiration to defend Soviet land from the enemy. This beautiful song stood for hope, love, and faith
for a safe return to Russian soldiers fighting during the war with fascist invaders.
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Катю́ша is a diminutive of the Russian name Catherine: Екатери́на (full name) - Ка́тя (short name) - Катю́ша (diminutive)
Расцвета́ли я́блони и гру́ши,
Поплы́ли тума́ны над реко́й;
Выходи́ла на́ берег Катю́ша,
На высо́кий бе́рег, на круто́й.
Выходи́ла, пе́сню заводи́ла
Про степно́го, си́зого орла́,
Про того́, кото́рого люби́ла,
Про того́, чьи пи́сьма берегла́.
Ой, ты пе́сня, пе́сенка деви́чья,
Ты лети́ за я́сным со́лнцем вслед,
И бойцу́ на да́льнем пограничье
От Катю́ши переда́й приве́т.
Пусть он вспо́мнит де́вушку просту́ю,
Пусть услы́шит, как она́ поёт,
Пусть он зе́млю бережёт родну́ю,
А любо́вь Катю́ша сбережёт.
Расцвета́ли я́блони и гру́ши,
Поплы́ли тума́ны над реко́й;
Выходи́ла на́ берег Катю́ша,
На высо́кий бе́рег, на круто́й.
The monument to Katyusha in Vladivistok, Russia
Apple and pear trees were a-blooming,
Mist (was) creeping on the river.
Katyusha set out on the banks,
On the steep and lofty bank.
She was walking, singing a song
About a gray steppe eagle,
About her true love,
Whose letters she was keeping.
Oh you song! Little song of a maiden,
Head for the bright sun.
And reach for the soldier on the far-away border
Along with greetings from Katyusha.
Let him remember an ordinary girl,
And hear how she sings,
Let him preserve the Motherland,
Same as Katyusha preserves their love.
Translation: Igor Koplevsky
Interesting Fact. Интересный факт
The Red Army troops adopted the nickname "Katyusha" for World War II-era Soviet rocket launchers mounted on heavy trucks. The rockets were marked with the letter K (for Komintern Factory). These rockets were so effective that German troops coined the rocket launcher as Stalinorgel (Stalin's organ).
Russian song "Katyusha" with Russian subtitles
Russian song "Katyusha" with English translation and transliteration