Russian New Year & Christmas Congratulations and Well-Wishes

Hi friends,  New Year and Christmas are coming. These are our favorite holidays of the year. Today I will teach you how to wish your Russian friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and say pleasant words to them.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice Online School to learn more Russian vocabulary.

Привет, друзья! Скоро Новый год и Рождество - наши самые любимые праздники в году. Сегодня я расскажу вам, как поздравить ваших русских друзей с Новым годом и Рождеством и сказать им приятные слова. ⠀ 

1. С Но́вым годом! • Happy New Year!

2. Весёлого Рождества́! • Merry Christmas!

3. Наилу́чшие пожела́ния до́брого и успе́шного Но́вого го́да! • Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year!

4. Жела́ю вам весёлого Рождества́! Пусть э́тот пра́здник принесёт мно́го весе́лья и сча́стья! • Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!

5. Пусть э́то Рождество́ бу́дет я́рким и весёлым, a Но́вый Год принесёт то́лько уда́чу и процвета́ние! • May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note!

6. Сча́стья, процвета́ния и успе́хов! • Happiness, Prosperity 'N Success!

7. Пусть все твои́ мечты́ сбу́дутся! • May All your Dreams Come True!

8. Я́ркого и ра́достного Рождества́! • Bright 'N Joyful Christmas!

9. Мо́ря сча́стья вам! • May you have an ocean of happiness!

10.  Пусть э́тот Но́вый год принесёт но́вые наде́жды, но́вые перспекти́вы и но́вые причи́ны для пра́зднования в ва́шей жи́зни. • May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives.

А вы отмечаете Новый год и Рождество в ваших странах? Как вы поздравляете ваших родных и друзей? Как вы проводите новогодние и рождественские праздники?

Do you celebrate New Year and Christmas in your countries? How you congratulate your family and friends? How do you spend New Year and Christmas holidays? How do you spend New Year and Christmas holidays?

Learn more about Russian winter holidays and traditions with 

❄Awesome Russian Seasons 1. Russian Winter Stories: 
Holidays, Traditions and Food!

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AWESOME RUSSIAN Seasons 1. Russian Winter Stories: Holidays, Traditions & Food is an interactive coursebook for advanced beginners. It is designed for young (16+) and adult learners who studied Russian before at A1 level and want to refresh basic Russian grammar and learn more about Russian culture and traditions. 

PDF Textbook format with Russian-English audio guide and beautiful pictures!

The coursebook includes:
  • 30 grammar and vocabulary lessons;
  • Interactive book contents;
  • Picture vocabulary;
  • Russian phrases for everyday life;
  • Short stories in Russian with English translation;
  • Russian songs;
  • Russian learning tips;
  • Gifts for Russian learners.

With its help, you will:
  • learn winter vocabulary in Russian;
  • talk about winter weather and outdoor activities;
  • read short stories about Russian New Year, Christmas traditions, and food;
  • learn how to say well-wishes and toasts in Russian;
  • get to know about Russian holidays and gift-giving traditions;
  • learn how to sing New Year and Christmas songs;
  • review Russian cases and learn new Russian verbs;
  • learn how to say the date in Russian.

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Dear friends, I invite you to my online Russian lessons. I have 18 years’ experience in teaching General and Business Russian to international students of various levels, ages and backgrounds. At my classes I use modern methods of teaching to help people communicate and enjoy the experience of learning Russian. Want to learn more about my teaching methods and see my learning materials?
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